Home » Conferences » 2022 IGRI Virtual Conference: Advancing the study of institutional dynamics
June 20-22, 2022
The second annual IGRI virtual conference aims to bring together scholars and practitioners doing research that engages the IG. For the conference, we invite research presentations that report on any methodological, theoretical, and/or empirical/case-specific uses of the Institutional Grammar (IG) to study policy or societal change.
If you are interested in presenting your research at the conference, please submit a title and abstract of your presentation through the link below by the extended deadline of March 15, 2022. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. Please list all contributing authors along with their contact email addresses. No more than two abstracts per lead author will be accepted.
Once the conference organizers have received all abstract submissions, presentations will be organized into themed panels. Each themed panel will feature several research presentations, followed by an open discussion. Notification of abstract acceptance will be made on March 31, 2022, followed by panel announcements on May 1, 2022. A final conference program will be published by May 5, 2022. Research papers are due to panel discussants by June 6, 2022.
If you are interested in participating in the IGRI research conference but do not wish to present, you can simply register to attend using the link below. General (non-presenting) conference participants must register for the conference by June 15, 2022. Conference presenters must confirm their presentation and register for the conference by April 15, 2022.
There is no cost to register or participate in the conference.
Running alongside the conference, the IGRI will be hosting a three-day in-person workshop for graduate students at the University of Colorado Denver. The workshop is designed to facilitate learning of the IG and related methods as well as to provide students with networking opportunities. Students will receive research feedback from scholars familiar with the IG, engage in discussions related to their research, and get help with the application of research and analytical methods and the coding of their data.
The workshop is capped at 15 students. Scholarships are available to support the cost of participation of masters and doctoral students. Information regarding scholarship requests is provided below along with other application details.
Interested students should submit their application materials using the link below. Applications are accepted until the extended deadline of March 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm Eastern. Notification of acceptance of workshop application will be on March 31, 2022.
Abstract & graduate student workshop application submission deadline extended until: March 15, 2022
To submit your abstract: Submission Closed
To submit your graduate student workshop application: Application Closed
Notification of acceptance/rejection (abstracts & applications): March 31, 2022
Registration opens: March 31, 2022
To register (presenters and participants): Follow this link
Conference presenters: Confirmation of presentation and registration deadline is on April 15, 2022
Non-presenting conference participants: Registration deadline is on June 15, 2022
To register (graduate student workshop): Registration closed
Confirmation of workshop attendance and registration deadline (graduate student workshop): April 15, 2022
Panel announcements: May 1, 2022.
Conference program published: May 5, 2022
Conference program: Download here