Home » Conferences » 2023 IGRI Virtual Conference — Branching Out: Evolving Applications
June 6, 2023
Online conference: 10:00AM-3:30PM EDT (US/Canada)
The third annual IGRI virtual conference brings together scholars and practitioners who are engaging the Institutional Grammar (IG) in research or practice. For the conference, we invite presentations that report on any methodological, theoretical, and/or empirical/case study-specific uses of the IG.
If you are interested in presenting your research at the conference, please submit a title and abstract of your presentation through the link below by April 1, 2023. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words. Please list all contributing authors along with their contact email addresses. No more than two abstracts per lead author, please.
Once the conference organizers have received all abstract submissions, presentations will be organized into themed panels. Each themed panel will feature several research presentations, followed by an open discussion. Notification of abstract acceptance will be made on April 14, 2023, followed by panel announcements on April 28, 2023. A final conference program will be published by May 8, 2023.
If you are interested in participating in the IGRI research conference but do not wish to present, you can simply register to attend using the link below. General (non-presenting) conference participants must register for the conference by June 1, 2023. Conference presenters must confirm their presentation and register for the conference by April 30, 2023.
There is no cost to register or participate in the conference.
You may view the conference program here.